Blockchain-Powered Electronic Health Records System


The healthcare industry has long grappled with challenges surrounding data security, integrity, and management within Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. Blockchain technology, with its inherent properties of decentralization, immutability, and transparency, offers a promising solution to these issues. This project proposes a comprehensive framework that harnesses the power of blockchain to revolutionize EHR systems, providing a secure, scalable, and integral solution.

The proposed framework aims to implement blockchain technology within the healthcare sector, specifically for EHR management. By leveraging the distributed ledger technology, patient records can be securely stored and accessed with granular access control, ensuring data privacy and confidentiality. Furthermore, the framework addresses the scalability concerns often associated with blockchain by incorporating off-chain storage mechanisms, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of large volumes of health data.

Through this innovative approach, the project seeks to establish a robust, decentralized EHR system that empowers patients with ownership and control over their medical data, while enabling seamless sharing of information among authorized healthcare providers. By eliminating the need for centralized data storage and reducing the risk of data breaches, the proposed solution promises to instill trust and transparency within the healthcare ecosystem.


  • FRONT-END: HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT or js frameworks like: react, angular (or other web3 compatible frameworks)
  • BLOCKCHAIN VERTUAL INTERFACE: Smart contracts, Ethereum blockchain technology (or other blockchain technology like: Hyperledger fabric), Interplanetary File System (IPFS), Web 3, Metamask etc.
  • BACK-END: Solidity programming language and Node.js.



Blockchain EHR

Original price was: ₦150,000.00.Current price is: ₦137,000.00.

Blockchain-Powered Electronic Health Records System


• Entire Project Source Codes Delivered to your Registered Email
• Project Documentation Data in PDF (approx 70-80 Pages)
• Project Setup Troubleshooting & Doubt Solving Support- via Teamviewer
• Access to Project Explanation Tutorials Video
• Online Technical Support via  WhatsApp



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Absolutely! We offer the flexibility to add or remove features to meet your specific requirements. Our team will work closely with you to ensure the project aligns with your needs.

Is this project suitable for beginners?

Yes, this project is beginner-friendly. We provide comprehensive tutorial videos and technical assistance to guide you through the building process. However, if you feel unsure about handling the project independently, we recommend seeking professional assistance to avoid any potential damage to the components.

Does the project include Project Thesis documentation?

Yes, all project packages come with pre-written documentation. Additionally, we provide customized documentation for any customized projects you may require. Feel free to contact us for further inquiries or clarification.

How long does it take to complete and deliver the project?

The project duration varies depending on the package you choose. However, we strive to deliver all projects within a maximum of three business weeks.

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